Cayan Payment Portal

Cayan Payment Portal

As of Oct 2022, Cayan is no longer a supported payment portal.

Cayan is an online payment processor that you can set up in your scheduler, so that payments can be required upon booking.  IF PAYMENTS ARE SET TO REQUIRED AND A CLIENT DOESN'T PAY WITHIN 90 MINUTES (or the time you set in Payments > Payment Settings >Number of Minutes to Submit Payment) THEIR BOOKING WILL BE CANCELLED.

To begin the process to connect Cayan to your TimeTap account, go to Payments → Payment Settings → Click the + symbol to the right of Cayan: 

With the Cayan option expanded, click the 'Activate Cayan Payments' button: 

Next, you will need to enter the following information: 

  • Merchant Name

  • Merchant Site ID

  • Merchant Key

  • Genius IP

 You should receive this information in your initial email from Cayan when you account is opened. After the information listed above has been entered, click the Save button to complete the process: