New Appointment Confirmation Email

New Appointment Confirmation Email

As a staff person, you will receive an email confirmation every time a client books an appointment with you. You also have the option to send yourself a confirmation email every time that you add a one time or repeating appointment for your clients. As a staff person, the two types of emails you may receive confirming your appointments are:

Click the links above to see specific details about each email depending on what type of appointment is getting added.

Please note: If you are a TimeTap Professional or TimeTap Business user, you can customize the templates that are sent out to your staff under the Settings menu. We have more information on how to customize your email templates under the settings menu of our documentation site.



One Time Appointment Confirmation Email

This email sends to staff when either the client has booked an appointment with them using the scheduler or when the staff has added a one time appointment and checked off that they'd like to receive the confirmation email. As with all the emails sent to staff it includes important contact information for the client. The default template is reprinted below:



Subject: (Appointment) Client Name on Appointment Date Time Staff Timezone

Email Body: Business Name

An appointment has been scheduled with you!

Hey Staff First Name,

You've got a new appointment! This email confirms your appointment with Client Name for Service Name on Appointment Date Time Staff Timezone at Location Name.

New Appointment Note/Comment (this is either entered as comment by the client when booking the appointment or by the staff upon adding the appointment either in the comments box or in the new appointment note field)

Custom fields assigned to Appointment (these are custom fields you've created in the Define Field Labels section and have assigned to appointments)

You can contact the client at Client Email Client Phone Number(s)

If you need to make changes to these appointments, you can login to TimeTap at this link: https://backoffice.timetap.com/

Staff Signature Section



A sample of this email template can be viewed in the screenshot below:



Repeating Appointments Confirmation Email

This email is sent to the staff when the staff adds a repeating appointment for a client and selects in the confirmation window that they (the staff) would like to receive a confirmation email for the appointment. It lists all the appointment date and times in the repeating appointment series as well as giving some important contact details for the client. The default template used in the email is reprinted below: 



Subject: (Appointments) Client Name for Service Name

Email Body: Business Name

Your appointments have been scheduled!

Hey Staff First Name,

This email confirms the appointments you have set with Client Name for Service Name at Location Name. The appointment dates and times you have set are:

  • First Repeating Appointment Date Time Staff Timezone
  • Second Repeating Appointment Date Time Staff Timezone
  • ....
  • Last Repeating Appointment Date Time Staff Timezone

New Appointment Note/Appointment comment (this is entered by the staff upon setting up the repeating appointments either in the comments box or in the new appointment note field)

You can contact the client at Client Email Client Phone Number(s)

You will get an individual reminder email before each scheduled appointment. If you need to make changes to these appointments, you can login to TimeTap at this link: https://backoffice.timetap.com/

Staff Signature Section



A sample of this email template can be viewed in the screenshot below:

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