Client Login

Client Login

From the Settings > Mini Website Design > Greeting & Login section you have the option to set whether or not you want to allow clients to login when they are making appointments. Allowing clients to login will let them:

  • View all the appointments they've made with your business, including upcoming completed, no show, and cancelled status appointments. 

  • View, download, and pay their invoices.

  • View and edit their information.

  • Reschedule or Cancel upcoming appointments

  • Book new appointments without having to re-enter their client information

  • Switch between themselves and family members/connections who have booked appointments with you using the same email address

In this documentation, we'll go through:

Just to clarify, Clients will only be able to login to your scheduler. They are not able to login to the Back Office of TimeTap; just your business's scheduler which they find either on your mini website or that you've embedded on your own site

The 4 Options you can choose when setting Client Login

By going to Settings → Mini Website Design → Greeting & Login, you'll see in the Client Login dropdown 4 options to set your scheduler to:

As you'll see in the screenshot above, your login options for your Clients can be set to:

Allow Clients to Login:

This is the default setting. It essentially places the "Login" button and "Register" link in the top right of the navigation section of your scheduler as an option for clients who want more control:

 When viewing your mini-website in a mobile browsers click the menu icon on the top right corner to view the Login option: 

This option does not force your clients to either login or register in order to make an appointment; it just gives them the option. Clients have the choice to:

  1. Just click through the scheduler and reserve an appointment time, entering in their information on the last page or

  2. Login to view existing appointments or book a new appointment. If they book a new appointment they won't have to enter in their information on the last page as it will pull from the logged in client data or

  3. Register and enter in their information. When they can book a new appointment the data they registered with will populate the last page of the scheduler

This option makes the most sense for businesses that have some new and some repeating clients. The new clients won't want to have to register & login because they're not sure whether or not they'll be booking again in the future. The repeating clients, however, may want to see a historical view of all of their appointment records and may not want to have to enter in their information every time they book.

Don't Allow Clients to Login:

This setting removes the "Login" button and "Register" link from the navigation section of your scheduler:

Clients will not have a way to login or register for your scheduler to see a historical view of their appointments. They will still be able to cancel or reschedule their appointments from the link in the confirmation or reminder emails that they receive, but they will not be able to do that just by visiting the web page your scheduler is on.

Clients will still be able to click through and make appointments, so long as appointment time slots are available. They will just have to enter in their information each time as it is not stored with a client login. 

This option is ideal for businesses who do not have repeat clients. It's great if your clients really only ever visit you once and don't need access to their appointment records with you.

Clients Must Login to Book an Appointment:

If you set your scheduler to this, then when clients click the "Next" button on your Welcome page, they will be prompted to either Register (if they've not made an appointment with you in the past) or Login if they do already have a registered account on your scheduler:

This option is nice because it decreases the risk that clients will accidentally mis-type their name on the last page of the scheduling process thus creating duplicate client records. It also lets clients fully realize the control they can have over their appointment management since as soon as they login they see that they can either book a new appointment or view their existing appointments.

Using this setting is ideal for businesses that have mostly repeating clients and want to make sure that those clients know that they can see their appointment history and make appointments for family members or connections.

Only Registered Clients can Book an Appointment

When you select this setting, it makes it so that only clients that you have added to your TimeTap account are allowed to login and book with you. After you select this as the client login option, the "Register" button is removed and clients only see the "Login" button:

If clients try and click "Next" they will the login window where they will have to enter their emails and password. If clients do not know their password, they can choose the option "Forgot Password?" to set a new one: 

This is great for businesses that want to limit the clients who can book with them to people that have pre-paid or members of their business. It will keep businesses from having unknown clients from booking with them and ultimately just give the business a lot more control over who they are servicing.

Hopefully after reading through the purpose and use cases for the client login options we have, you have a better understanding of what you might want to set it to for your business.

If you still have questions, please contact our support team and we'd be happy to help.

How Clients will Register and Login

A client cannot login to your scheduler without first registering for it. If you have your client login option set to either Allow Clients to Login or Clients Must Login to Book an Appointment, clients will see the option to Register when they visit your scheduler. If you have the client login option set to Only Registered Clients can Book an Appointment, you will have to pre-register them before they are able to schedule with you (pre-registering a client is as simple as just adding the client to your back office).

Registration Options: Before we look at how a client logs in, let's walk through how a client will register for your scheduler. The rules for registering for your scheduler differ for clients based on whether they are:

  1. First time clients who have not scheduled any appointments through your online scheduler in the past. Learn more

    - or -

  2. Returning clients who have made appointment with the business through the online scheduler in the past. Learn more

Click the links above to read about how clients will register. 

For Clients who already Registered: After we discuss registration, we'll also discuss for clients who have already registered:

Registering for First Time Clients

For first time clients who haven't made appointments with your business's online scheduler in the past, they can click the "Register" button in the navigation section to create a login account:

When viewing your mini-website in a mobile browsers clients will have to click the menu icon on the top right corner to view the Register option: 

Once they click register, they'll get a small box where they can enter in their email address first and then click Next. By entering in their email address as the first step to registering, TimeTap can check your business's account and make sure that they aren't already pre-registered for your scheduler or haven't already used that email address to book an appointment in the past:

If they weren't pre-registered, then after clicking Next they'll be prompted to put in their name, set a password, and enter in the contact details your business asks for (as set on the Client Information page in your Back Office). Once they finish filling in those fields, they'll click the "Register" button, clients may have to scroll down to see all fields:

Now your client is all registered! They will be automatically logged into the scheduler once they click on the Register button from the second step of registration and can click on the button to "Book a New Appointment" if they want to:

This will take them through the flow of booking an appointment with your business.

Registering for Returning Clients

The registration process on your TimeTap scheduler goes by your clients' email addresses. Thus, clients who have made appointments on your scheduler in the past and inputted their email address are technically already registered for an account, but just haven't set up a password with your business yet.

After making a few appointments without registering or logging in, they may want to register officially (and get a password) so that they can login and view their appointment history as well as book appointments without having to re-enter their information every single time.

If they didn't know this and went to register on your scheduler, then after clicking the "Register" button and entering their email address, they would receive a message that:

Looks like you've been here before! We've sent you an email to set a password for the scheduler. Once you've done that, come back here to login.

This is the same thing as being pre-registered by your business for making appointments. 

At this point they will receive an email with a link to create a password to login and view their appointment history:

Once they click on that link, they'll reset their password and then go back to your business's scheduler to login:

We discuss how clients will login in the next section.

So long as you don't have your Client Login setting set to "Don't Allow Clients to Login", then when clients visit your scheduler, they will see a login button in the top right:

They'll need to then enter in their email and their password they've set for your scheduler and press "Login":

They'll now see the menu options to make a new appointment, view their existing appointments, or logout:

How Clients can request a new password

If you have pre-registered clients or if your clients have just forgotten what password they set to login to your scheduler, they can always request a new password. After clicking the "Login" button, they'll see on the Login form a link that reads "Forgot Password?":

If they click on that link, they can enter in their email address and click the "Reset Password" button:

They'll then receive a notice that a password reset email is heading their way:

When they get the email, it'll tell them to click on a link to reset their password for your scheduler:

Once the reset password screen, they will enter in their new password twice and then press "Reset Password":

Once they've reset it, they'll receive a confirmation that their password has been reset and they can return to your scheduler to login.

Please note: You also can reset clients passwords using their client profiles or the full client list when logged into TimeTap's Back Office. Read our documentation on

What the Login Screens Look like for Clients

When your clients login to your scheduler, the initial welcome screen will change to show the options clients have now that they've logged in. These include booking a new appointment, viewing existing appointments, view & pay invoices (optional), and view & edit their information:

If they book a new appointment, the scheduling flow is exactly the same as if they had not logged in and just went through making an appointment. The only difference is on the last page, they will not have to enter in their information again as it will be already stored from their login:

Clients could also View Appointments from the login screen:

Once they click that option, they can navigate between viewing Upcoming Appointments or appointments that have been marked Completed, Cancelled or No Show:

If they click the magnifying glass icon to the right of any of the upcoming appointments, they will be able to see that individual appointment's details and either cancel or reschedule those appointments so long as they are within the allowed cancellation or rescheduling hours as set by your business:

Clients also have the ability to reschedule or cancel appointments by clicking on the link from the confirmation or reminder emails they receive. This client login option just provides a second way of doing it.

How Clients are Linked through Client Login

Let's say you want a client to be able to book or view appointments for their spouse, is there a way to share access for two or more people? Yes!

Under a client's profile, you can control who that client has access to as well as who has access to view their account. 

Let's start with Clients who this client can access (i.e. John Doe wants to be able to book appointments on behalf of Mary Smith). You would go to John's profile and under Client Details for Staff Use Only, you'll see Clients who this client can access field. We'll search for Mary Smith in this field and select her name:

Once you add that client (or clients, since there is no limit as to how many clients one can access), they will then be able to view appointments and book on their behalf. 

Now, let's discuss Clients who can access this client.

Upon adding your client(s) here, the other clients will now have access to book appointments for and view the one of the profile you're on (for example, Mary will now be able to see and book for John). It is important to note that whoever you add here must have an email address on file in order for it to work.

Once you have saved those changes, your client will be able to toggle between themselves and the client(s) added whether under View Appointments or Book a New Appointment. Example of how the dropdown will appear when you select View Appointments:

Example of how the dropdown will appear when you select Book a New Appointment:

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