Services & Classes

Services & Classes

Services and Classes are conveyed to the clients booking with you as the reasons for their appointment. While both services and classes can be found, added, and edited under your Settings → Services & Classes page, they function quite differently.

Services are 1-on-1 appointments between a staff person and the client. Clients can schedule a service appointment for any time during which you (the staff) have hours of availability set up. The appointment times offered for services are based on the duration you put in for a service. Thus, if a service is set to a duration of 1 hour, then your availability will display to clients booking in 1 hour appointment time slot increments.

Classes are group based appointments with one staff person assigned as the "leader". Classes are offered on a set schedule that the staff person defines ahead of time and the clients can choose from among. Each scheduled session of the class has a max capacity which determines how many clients can book into the class.

We will get into all of this in a lot more depth throughout the Services & Classes section of our documentation site. On this page specifically we will cover:

Services & Classes are a critical part of your TimeTap account because without them, clients would have nothing to book. By the end of reading this documentation section, you'll have a good grasp on what services and classes are, how they affect your availability, and how to customize them on your account.

You can begin by reading through this documentation page for a good general overview of services and classes or click on the links on the right to dive into some more specifics.

The Main Services & Classes Display

Underneath Settings → Services & Classes, you'll see the main Services & Classes screen where you can click into and manage all of your existing services and classes or add a new service/class for clients to book with you:

On this screen you'll find several features including:

Display service and class details

While viewing your list of active services and classes you'll notice that by default you're able to see service & class internal name, type, price, duration, and actions that can be taken: 

To view additional information or hide existing columns click the column header icon () located on the right side of the page:

A dropdown menu will appear where you can select which information you want to display by selecting the corresponding bow, or hide a specific column by deselecting its box:

You're able to display and hide the following information: 

  • Service & Class ID
  • Service & Class Name
  • Service & Class Internal Name
  • Type
  • Price
  • Duration
  • Buffer Before
  • Buffer After
  • Private

Checking any changes made to services or classes

After making any changes to your services or classes (whether that's just editing a service's duration or adding an entirely new class), it is a good rule of thumb to quickly preview your client facing scheduler to make sure your service availability or class schedule looks accurate. To do so from the Services & Classes screen, simply click the "Preview Scheduler" button in the top right corner:

This will launch your mini website on a new tab where you can click through your scheduler and check out your "Services/Classes" and/or "Time" panel to make sure that your appointment offerings and available time slots look correct for your different services and classes.

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