Appointment Cancellation by Recruiter
This template is sent to the candidate after the Recruiter marks the appointment as cancelled and selects to send the candidate an email about the cancellation
Tags used in this template include:
- %STAFF_FULLNAME% & %PROFESSIONAL_FULLNAME% - full name of the recruiter the candidate's appointment was assigned to (Professional fullname tag was an older version that is still in some of our defaults)
- %APPT_DATE_TIME% - the date and time of the appointment the candidate booked in the candidate's timezone (if they book at 12:00pm on July 26th, then it would print as "Wednesday, Jul 26, 2017 at 12:00PM EDT" (or whatever timezone the candidate is in)
- %CLIENT_FIRSTNAME% - the first name of the candidate who booked the appointment
- %REASON% - name of the service/class they booked (i.e. "Phone Screening")
- %CANCEL_NOTE% - if the recruiter fills in a note while cancelling the appointment, it will fill in here
- %BUSINESS_NAME% - name of the business as shown in the Business Name column when you login and look at the list of child accounts
- %APPT_ID% - the id of the appointment. Can be used for tracking and quick look up in the app