New Appointment by Recruiter

This template is sent to the candidate after the recruiter adds an appointment for him/her and selects to send them an email notification of the new appointment

Default Subject:


Custom Body:

Your appointment has been scheduled!

You are confirmed for a %REASON% appointment on %APPT_DATE_TIME% with %STAFF_FULLNAME%. If you have questions before your appointment, use the contact details below to get in touch with us.
To cancel or reschedule your appointment before the scheduled time, please click: %MANAGE_APPT_URL%
Thanks for scheduling with %BUSINESS_NAME%!



Appointment ID: %APPT_ID%

Tags used in this template include:

  • %STAFF_FULLNAME%  - full name of the recruiter the candidate's appointment was assigned to
  • %APPT_DATE_TIME% - the date and time of the appointment the candidate booked in the candidate's timezone (if they book at 12:00pm on July 26th, then it would print as "Wednesday, Jul 26, 2017 at 12:00PM EDT" (or whatever timezone the candidate is in)
  • %CLIENT_FIRSTNAME% - the first name of the candidate who booked the appointment
  • %REASON% - name of the service/class they booked (i.e. "Phone Screening")
  • %APPOINTMENT_NOTE% - if the recruiter enters anything in the "notes" field when saving the appointment, it will fill in here
  • %MANAGE_APPT_URL% - will fill in with the link to the landing page where candidates can go and either cancel or reschedule their appointment
  • %BUSINESS_NAME% - name of the business as shown in the Business Name column when you login and look at the list of child accounts
  • %STAFF_MOBILE% - the mobile number of the recruiter the candidate booked with as stored on their Recruiter profile under Settings > Recruiters
  • %STAFF_EMAIL% - the email address of the recruiter the candidate booked with as stored on their Recruiter profile under Settings > Recruiters
  • %APPT_ID% - the unique id of the appointment that was booked. Can be used for tracking and quick appointment look up