Reordering Staff List

Reordering Staff List

You can change the order that the staff appear on your scheduler as well as in the staff dropdown when adding appointments. This can only be done by staff with security status of Account Owners or Administrators. In order to do this, go to Settings → Staff and toggle the "Reorder" button to On:

You will then have the option to reorder your staff alphabetically by clicking the "Reorder Alphabetically" button:

If you want to reorder in a different order move your cursor over the button to the left of the staff name (), when the cross cursor appears, left click and hold, then move the staff to a different spot:

Once you've reordered the staff to how you want them to display, toggle the Reorder button to Off:

You'll now see that on the Active Staff List, the staff display in the order you set them in in the Reorder Staff window:

Have questions about reordering staff? Please reach out to our support team and we'd be happy to answer them.

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