7.56 Release Notes

7.56 Release Notes

These release notes cover 7.56 - released Sept 5, 2023

Features & Improvements: 

  • Added a “Sandbox” banner to invoices that are downloaded from sandbox accounts (Enterprise only)

  • Added a note on the Payment Settings page of the Backoffice for sandbox accounts to indicate that payment portals should also be in sandbox mode so real payments aren’t collected (Enterprise only)

  • Updated the disclaimer message that is presented when trying to generate a report with too much data from the Appointment List page of the Backoffice

  • Various internal performance improvements

    • Improved the loading capacity of the Calendar page in the Backoffice

Bugs Fixed: 

  • Saved Calendar view filters were not prompting an update/save option when the color of an unselected filter option was changed and, by result, then became selected

  • Clicking the “Save Rescheduled Appointment Time” button multiple times when rescheduling a class attendee from the Backoffice was resulting in multiple “Appointment Changed or Rescheduled” messages being sent

  • Staff with limited “Time Off” security permissions were still able to “Add Time Off” when accessing the “Add One Time Appointment” page

  • Staff members connected with the Office 365 With Teams (BETA*) integration and also had “Calculate Travel Times” enabled for their account were seeing instances where the Time panel of the scheduler was displaying a error message that no times were available on the selected date

  • Changes made to the Location Specific Availability section of a Service Profile sometimes would cause the list to update with the incorrect locations selected after saving