TimeTap offers a one-way integration to Salesforce that allows you to sync:
TimeTap Appointments as Events in Salesforce
TimeTap Clients as Contacts in Salesforce
This help doc covers how to:
Connect your Salesforce/TimeTap Integration
To connect your Salesforce account to TimeTap, go to our Integrations page by selecting Settings > Integrations:
Scroll down to the Other Integrations section and select the small arrow beside the Salesforce logo to show the Activate Salesforce button. Select the Activate Salesforce button:
This will launch a new tab with the Salesforce screen where you can then login to authorize TimeTap to sync with your Salesforce account:
After you successfully login to your Salesforce account, you'll see a landing page from TimeTap confirming that your authorization is complete:
See TimeTap Appointments on your Salesforce Contact record
After successfully linking your Salesforce account to TimeTap, appointments made in TimeTap will show up as Events on the Contact record for the client in Salesforce. TimeTap also sends the client information, so if the client is not currently a Contact in Salesforce, the system will create a Contact record for them.
The example below shows the Appointment Detail of an appointment booked through TimeTap and the Event Detail of that appointment as seen in Salesforce:
Add a widget to book appointments from Salesforce
It can be a chore to switch back and forth between different systems while you're working. To save you time, our integration with Salesforce allows you to create a widget in Salesforce that will link directly to your TimeTap scheduler, making it easy to book appointments for your clients without ever leaving Salesforce.
Create a new button
To add a button widget to your Salesforce Contact page, first select the gear icon in the top-right corner of the app and then select Setup:
On the Setup page, you will then select Object Manager. Then find and select Contact from the list:
Within the Contact section’s left side menu, select Buttons, Links, and Actions. Then select the New Button or Link button on the top right side of the page:
A new form will appear where details can be entered to create this button. For the top section, add a Label, Name, and Description. Label this button “Add Appointment" and add a brief description to communicate what it does:
Next, select Display Type, Behavior, and Content Source. Display Type sets how and where your button will appear. You can use the View Example link beside each option to see what your button will look like. To have this button show on the Contact Detail page, select Detail Page Button. Leave Behavior and Content Source with the default settings. In order to link your button to your TimeTap scheduler, the Content Source must be set to URL.
For the next step, you will need to get the embed URL for the booking site you wish to link and paste it into the bottom of our New Button or Link form.
To get this embed URL, go to the TimeTap Backoffice and navigate to Settings > Custom Booking Sites > View (beside the booking site you wish to connect). Once inside the booking site profile, select the Embed Code button and copy only the URL portion from the text above (not including the single quotation marks).
Now take that URL that you’ve copied and paste it into the large box at the bottom of the New Button or Link form.
Next, we're going to edit this URL so that data can be passed from Salesforce to TimeTap as parameters in the URL. The data we're going to pass in this example is the Id number of the Contact we're booking an appointment for and the name of the Contact Owner.