Email Tags

Email Tags

Tags can be used in TimeTap to fill in your messaging with dynamic information.

For instance, obviously all of your appointments couldn't happen on the same date and time so it would be impossible to hard code a date and time into your email template. Instead, we make use of tags so that the emails that are sent out dynamically reflect the proper information about that appointment. In this case, the %APPT_DATE_TIME% tag (which will reflect the appointment date and time in the client's time zone) allows each user’s appointment emails to always include the proper date and time information.

To use an email tag: copy the entire tag (from percentage sign % to percentage sign %) and paste it into your email template wherever you want that information to appear

This help doc covers:

Appointment Specific Tags






Date and Time of the Appointment for client's timezone


Date and Time of the Appointment for staff's timezone


Appointment Date (without time) - or Appointment Start Date (ex. Wednesday, January 31, 2018)


Appointment Date (without time) - or Appointment Start Date (ex. January 31, 2018)


Appointment Date (without time) - or Appointment Start Date (ex. Jan 31, 2018)


Appointment Date (without time) - or Appointment Start Date (ex. 1/31/18)


Address entered for a Variable Location (Where the service is to be provided)


Appointment End Date (without time)


Appointment Start Time in client's timezone


Appointment Start Time in staff's timezone


Appointment End Time in client's timezone


Appointment End Time in staff's timezone


Appointment's duration in minutes (not including buffers)


Appointment's duration in hours and minutes (not including buffers)


Class session's start time


Class session's end time


Class sessions's scheduled date


Class sessions's scheduled date and time


Current date indicating day of the week, date, and year. Ex: Thursday, December 27, 2018


Current date in MM/DD/YY format. Ex: 12/27/18


Current date indicating day of the week, date, year, and time in UTC timezone. Ex: Thursday, December 27, 2018 4:31:34 PM UTC


Current date and time in MM/DD/YY HH:MM format, time is in UTC timezone. Ex: 12/27/18 4:31 PM


Appointment ID Number


Appointment's created date


Appointment's created date and time


Status of appointment


Sub status of appointment


Returns the "External Name" of a Multi-Duration Time field. If there is no Multi-Duration External Name set, it returns the "Service Name."


Appointment fields set up under Define Field Labels


Appointment fields setup for class under Define Field Labels


Name of the user who created of scheduled class session


Name of the course to which the scheduled class session belongs to


Status of class session scheduled


Class session's ID number


Total number of seats (for class based bookings)


A link that moves an appointment to a Confirmed status when visited


A link to a dedicated page where client can cancel or reschedule appointment


A link to the landing page for client's to decline consent to their personal information (must be enabled for your account)


New appointment note entered when creating appointment


Note entered by staff after marking an appointment as Completed


Note entered by staff after editing/rescheduling an appointment


Summary of rescheduling or editing changes made to the appointment sent in client's timezone


Summary of rescheduling or editing changes made to the appointment sent in staff's timezone


Note entered by client/staff when canceling appointment


Note entered by staff after marking an appointment as No Show


Indicates whether client has confirmed appointment and status was change to Open - Confirmed, result is displayed as "Yes" or "No"


Date when client confirmed appointment


QR code attached to the appointment ID


QR code will take you to the checkin screen in backoffice. This can be used to checkin a client. Can be added to the appointment email.


Join URL for appointments made at Microsoft Teams Virtual Locations

Repeating Appointment Email Tags


The start date for the repeating appointment series


The end date for the repeating appointment series


How often the appointment takes place (ie every "week", "2 weeks", "3 weeks", "month")


Which days of the week the appointment is taking place on


If repeating appointment is set on a monthly basis, this will fill in whether it is happening on the 1st,
2nd, 3rd, or 4th week. So if the appointment is on the first Tuesday, it would fill in with "1st" 

Location Tags






Location Name


Location Internal Name


Location Contact Name


Location's address or description (if it's a virtual location)


Directions (From Settings → Locations → Location Profile)


Additional or alternate directions for locations From Settings → Locations → Location Profile)


Phone number for location in the location's profile


Email address stored in the location's profile


Private URL for Location

Location Group Tags






Location Group Name


Location Group Booking URL


Location Group Logo URL


Location Group Description


Location Group Directions


Location Super Group Name


Location Super Group Booking URL


Location Super Group Logo URL


Location Super Group Description


Location Super Group Directions

Staff Tags



