Appointment Reminder Text Message

Appointment Reminder Text Message

This text message out to the client a certain number of hours before the appointment start time to remind the client of the appointment, this feature is only available to Professional and Business account users. 

You can configure the number of hours before the appointment start time when you want TimeTap to send the appointment reminder text.

The default criteria that TimeTap provides for this template is:


Text Message Body:


The tags used in this template are:

%CLIENT_MOBILE%The mobile phone number of the client that is stored in the cell phone field on the client's profile
%REASON%The name of the service/class/course that the clients appointment was cancelled for
%APPT_DATE_TIME%The date and time of the appointment in the client's timezone
%PROFESSIONAL_FULLNAME%The full name of the staff member that was assigned to the appointment (can also be %STAFF_FULLNAME%)
%BUSINESS_NAME%This is the name of your business as stored under your account settings

To learn more about tags and how to use/create them, please visit our documentation on tags.

In editing this template, here are some general things to consider:

  • The situation: This template is generated automatically and sent to the client  a certain number of hours before the appointment start time to remind the client of the appointment. When editing this template keep in min that there's a limit of 140 character per text message reminder, we recommend using the "Send Test" feature to sent a test message to yourself and make sure the correct information is displayed. 
  • Template elements: As with all the appointment templates sent from your account, this email will have the email header and the staff signature in the footer. We recommend putting standard contact information in the staff signature section and to customize your header under your messaging settings to be what you'd like for all of your emails (helps to keep them cohesive).

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