Adding CSS customizations to your scheduler

Adding CSS customizations to your scheduler

If you're on a Professional- or Business-level account, you can upload your own custom style sheet (CSS) to your scheduler by going to Settings > Mini Website Design > Text Info & Scheduler and adding it to the Scheduler Style Sheet field:


You will first need to convert the .css file to a HTTPS link in order to apply it to your account. To convert the file within your TimeTap account, you’ll need to go to Messaging > File Library and click the “+ Add File / Folder” button:


From here you’ll just need to click the link button seen to the right of the file. However, if you’re on one of our Business accounts, you can apply a different CSS to each one of your custom booking sites by going to Settings > Custom Booking Sites, choosing one of them, clicking the Customizations tab, and inserting the CSS into the Custom Style Sheet field:


To apply the CSS you uploaded to your File Library to your main scheduler via the Custom Booking Sites page, you’ll need to put its HTTPS link in the Custom Style Sheet field of your “Default booking site” custom booking site. TimeTap offers this feature to allow our users to upload custom style sheets that they have created on their own. As a support team, we are unable to create or edit CSS files on our users' behalf.

Here is an example of a CSS property you can apply to one of your custom booking sites. This piece of CSS would cause the text of the Welcome Text section seen on the scheduler of the booking site to be centered instead of left-aligned, and would make the text slightly smaller.

#welcomeText p { text-align: center; font-size: 10pt; margin-bottom: 0px; }


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