4.9.0 Release Notes

4.9.0 Release Notes

These release notes cover 4.9.0 - 4.9.1

Features & Improvements:

- Total Seats field now an option on the Add One Time Appointment option.
- Now via Report Runner, the last date used in the Date Picker will be locked for the next time.

Bugs Fixed:

- Client Fields now fielding searches properly when 3 characters are entered.
- Rescheduled appointments now moving all the way, correctly updating all screen views and messages.
- Web Scheduler now properly auto-detecting client timezones when signing up for classes and courses.
- Resources dropdown now adequately updating when changes are made.
- Now able to add time off using quick add window.
- Resources dropdown now appropriately appearing on Appointment Detail screen.
- Language in Back Office now correctly changing when Locale is changed from Spanish to English.
- Time slot field now exiting properly upon selecting a time slot. 
- Consent field now correctly saving when client checks it via Client Scheduler.