3.38.0 Release Notes

These release notes cover 3.38.0 - 3.38.1

Features & Improvements:

- Form selected from the Appointment Detail page loading automatically to Send Form window.
- Tag created for today’s (current) date.
- Feature added to add availability via Calendar View.

Bugs Fixed:

- Custom Booking Site correctly filtering out services displayed based on location selected.
- Now able to properly select location when searching via Zip Code Filter.
- Location Group now displaying in Filter when choosing to display Location Groups and not Locations.
- All Location Groups now reflecting correctly under Appointments view.
- Button to exit Edit mode while editing Service Availability functioning as it should.
- Name of location now updates correctly in Quick Add window.
- End time now editable on Appointment Detail view.
- User is now only properly granted access to locations selected upon creating Profile.
- Coupon list now properly loading.