Managing Invoices

Managing Invoices

Once an invoice is created, it is important to know how you make changes to it or enter payments on it.

This page of our documentation will go over all the ways you can make changes to your invoices. Please note: in order to make changes to invoice line items or to enter payments, an invoice MUST be in Open status. If your invoice is currently in closed or void status, you will need to reopen the invoice before making any of the changes outlined on this documentation page.

Click the links below to learn how to manage the following aspects on your invoices:

  1. Edit the invoice's client, address, and date issue information
  2. Add and edit line items on an invoice
  3. Charge a payment through your Payment Portal or Record a Payment in office
  4. Assign an invoice to a staff or location
  5. Adding a Write Off Amount to your Invoice
  6. Emailing link to pay invoice
  7. Print Invoices

If you still have questions on how to manage your invoices after reading through the linked documentation above, please reach out to our support team and we'd be happy to help.