Course Profile

Course Profile

Your course profile is where you can manage the details of your course (like its name, description, rescheduling policies, etc.) as well as create new sets for when it is being offered. 

This page goes over how to edit and manage your course profile and answers various questions on courses. Use the list below to jump to the section of the documentation that you'd like to know more about:

How Course Rescheduling Works

Rescheduling for courses can either be strict, flexible, or not allowed. Here's a description of how each of those options work:

  • Strict rescheduling basically means that if someone is registered for one of your course sets but needs to reschedule session 2 on the set they're registered for because they can't make it, they could only reschedule to session 2 of a different set. They couldn't reschedule to any other session.
    • Example: You offer a Lifeguard Certification course. Each session of the course covers a different topic that the students need to learn before they can complete. Some days they are in the pool and some days they are in the classroom, but there is always new material being covered. If session 2 is going over pool side life saving techniques, you wouldn't want to let the client reschedule session 2 for session 3 which is when you are in the classroom watching videos on "signs of distress". Setting your rescheduling to "strict" will make sure that if clients need to reschedule session 2, they only options they'll see to reschedule to will be session 2s of other sets.
  • Flexible rescheduling will allow clients who miss one session during a set to reschedule into any session from any other set. So if a client misses session 2, they could reschedule into another sets session 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc (depending on how many sessions are on the course).
    • Example: You run a bootcamp training course that takes 6 weeks to complete. Clients are generally registered for the same times each week. If a client client is registered for Monday mornings at 6:00am generally, but in the second week when she's scheduled for session 2 she has a conflict, she could reschedule to any other session from any other set of that course you offer, even if it is session 3 or 4 of a different set. 
  • Not Allowed: this will make it so that rescheduling is disabled for sessions within your course sets. When clients click on the link to reschedule or login to view their appointments, if they try to click reschedule they will get a message that "rescheduling is not allowed".

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