1.2.0 Release Notes

1.2.0 Release Notes

Releases between December 2015 - January 2016 - Versions 1.2.0 - 1.2.2

These releases saw some bigger feature developments that many users have been asking for. There were also a few minor bug fixes that were implemented to make navigating the application easier.


  1. Location Private URLs and Embed Codes: Similar to the feature that was already available in Staff and Service profiles. Private URLs will allow you to send a link to clients so that they are only able to book in the location that you sent them the link for. They won't see your whole list of locations.
    1. Related Documentation:
      1. Using your location's private URL and/or Embed Code
  2. Mini Website Design updates: Previously you were only able to add a logo to your mini website and change the text on the left hand side of the scheduler. After updates from 1.2.2, you are now able to change every aspect of your mini website from the colors to the title to the logo alignment. We detail all of this on our documentation linked below.
    1. Related Documentation:
      1. Customizing your Mini Website's Design

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