1.12.0 Release Notes
1.12.0 Release Notes
Our release of version 1.12.0 involved the release of the Waitlist feature along with bug fixes ranging from errors that prevented users from reactivating their account once the free trial expired to error messages affecting full functionality.
Improvements and New Features:
- Waitlist feature added for Business accounts: Waitlist for Services and Classes
- Users are now able to print invoices: Managing Invoices
- Location Super Users and Users now have ability to access My Appointments report in Dashboard
- Able to see 'Cancelled by' field when exporting list of cancelled appointments
Bugs Fixed:
- Link in waitlist is fully functional, allowing clients to remove themselves from the waitlist
- Error appearing when reactivating account once free trial has ended and billing information has been updated has been removed
- Adding client to list of class attendees when in waitlist, changes the status of the appointment to booked
- Bug preventing TimeTap Plus from editing email send to client when changing the status of appointment
- Fixed bug where users were not being able to save changes to appointment reminders for repeating appointments