1.20.0 Release Notes

1.20.0 Release Notes

Our release of version 1.20.0 involved the release of the ability to apply coupons in the appointment details screen, ability to view and edit frequency dates before saving recurring appointments for services and classes. Another major improvements and is the ability to add recurring time offs and being able to quickly block availability for one or multiple locations.  Bug fixes ranged from reducing the amount of time it takes to save recurring appointment with no end date to not being able to add class attendees to while in the Class Sessions Details Screen. 

Improvements and New Features:

  •  Message appears when saving appointment and quota for service or class has been met
  • Coupon can now be applied with in the appointment detail screen
  • Ability to view and edit frequency dates before saving recurring appointments for services and classes
  • Ability to add recurring time offs and quickly block availability for one or multiple locations
  • Two way calendar sync with iCloud, Outlook, Office 365, and Microsoft Exchange
  • New repeating appointment templates for cancellations and changes

Bugs Fixed: 

  • Reduced the amount of time it takes to save repeating appointments with no end date
  • Service duration did not save when entered manually
  • Screen in scheduler would not update after client logs in
  • Unable to book appointments as a second client when one client has reached the maximum appointment limit
  • Client were able to book appointments than the limit set in the backoffice
  • List of recurring appointments sent to client via email did not list appointments in chronological order
  • Clients were not able to request text message reminders if they logged into scheduler to book an appointment 
  • When cloning a service that has location availability set for it, the location availability doesn't get copied to the new clone
  • Text message reminder sent to clients if they logged in even if client did not request text message reminder
  • Changes made to the client first name were not reflected in the client list
  • Unable to add class attendee while in the Class Session Details screen
  • Unable to save repeating is the number of total seats per client is greater than 1
  • Adding time off for an entire day did not block availability in scheduler
  • Able to class attendees to a cancelled class session
  • Changing availability for one day while in the setup wizard changed the hours of multiple days

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