1.14.0 Release Notes

1.14.0 Release Notes

Our release of version 1.14.0 involved the release of the ability to create custom security roles, along with being able to update the latest appointment time for each service and class. As part of our new feature release we have created a new security role called "Report Only" this will allow staff members to only run reports under the Dashboard menu. You can also create multiple class sessions at the time you are adding a new schedule for an existing class if you increase the end time to twice as long as the duration of the class. Bug fixes ranged from being able to see sessions from users who were deleted, some users not being able to retrieve results when running reports, to errors appearing when attempting to print an appointment from the Appointment Details page. 

Improvement and New Features:

  • Create custom roles and control what users can access in TimeTap
  • Allow users to create custom latest appointments settings
  • Reports Only security role added, allowing users to only run report in the Dashboard
  • Ability to only show appointment start time only
  • You can now set your settings to not allow clients to cancel or reschedule appointments
  • Create multiple class sessions if the end time is increased by twice the duration of the class

Bugs Fixed:

  • When a user profile was deleted and had class sessions open, the class session details did not have a staff member assigned
  • Location based reports in the Dashboard were not displaying results
  • Cancellation note not appearing in Appointment Cancellation by Staff email template
  • If user is deleted from account all open sessions scheduled for that user are removed
  • Error when clicking the Print button in the Appointment Details page
  • Appointment information not being passed to Google Calendar when tags were being used
  • After resetting password the link to login would redirect user to scheduler login rather than TimeTap's login page
  • Staff with security role of User were not able to retrieve information when running Open Appointments report

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