2.3.7 Release Notes
2.3.7 Release Notes
These release notes cover 2.3.7
Features & Improvements:
- Reschedule link redirects client to the location's scheduler if the location's private URL was used to book the appointment
- Close class enrollment from class' Schedule tab
- Quick Edit feature allows you to update appointment custom fields without having to go into Edit mode
- User can select whether they want to be redirected to the Appointment Details screen or to the last screen they were on under the Main Appointments menu after a new appointment is added
- When setting an appointment as Cancelled, No Show or Completed from the list of Open appointments, the user has the option to be redirected to the new status tab or remain in the Open appointments list
Bug Fixed:
- If user edited a class appointment and assigned it to a different staff, the class sessions ID wasn't updating
- If a file wasn't upload in file upload field when adding a client to the waitlist causing this to display an error message
- File upload field would get stuck saving when the field was required and the file was removed using the Quick Edit feature in the appointment details screen
- Class sessions would reopen a day after they had been cancelled
- User was unable to edit custom fields when saving a new repeating appointment
- User was able to reschedule class appointments within the Class Session Details screen without having to select a session on a different
- If an appointment was set to cancelled and then reopened, the emails/text reminders were not sent to the client