0.6.0 Release Notes

0.6.0 Release Notes

Released July 31st, 2015.

This release marked the end of our TimeTap Plus Beta period. As of this release, any users who were on TimeTap Plus Beta are now on a 30 day free trial of the Plus account. If you are a TimeTap Plus account owner and want to continue using TimeTap Plus after the end of your 30 day free trial, you can now update your Billing Information so that you can continue using it.

The other big development item included in this release relates to adding additional staff to your account. Previously, when you added a second staff person to your account, we sent that staff person an email to set their password with instructions on how to login to the app. Once they logged in, they were directed to the calendar screen. We have now updated the app  so that when secondary users login, they are directed through their own setup process for defining their available times.

We also had a number of bug fixes in this release:

  • Client registration was not showing the proper fields for them to fill out. This has now been resolved.
  • Client login was not detecting the proper client on the "Your Information" page. This issue has been resolved so when clients login to your scheduler, they will not have to fill in the Your Information fields.
  • The "Ends on" calendars in the add repeating appointments and add repeating class schedule screens were getting smushed. We have resolved this by placing the ends on calendars on separate lines.
  • Staff login issues related to changing "Accept Appointments" status have been resolved.


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