1.19.0 Release Notes

1.19.0 Release Notes

Our release of version 1.19.0 involved the release of the ability to assign resources to services, clone classes & services, SAML integration using oneLogin, add staff email instructions to your email templates, and create multiple, non-recurring dates when adding class sessionsBug fixes ranged from not being able to add a new client record while editing an appointment, incorrect link to scheduler sent to client when password was reset, to not being able to see appointments in the Open Appointment tab while in the staff profile. 

Improvements and New Features:

Bugs Fixed: 

  • Cancelled class sessions didn't appear in class lists
  • If class was deleted you didn't see the class sessions in the calendar while sessions remained opened. Now when a class is deleted and there are open sessions these will be cancelled. 
  • Couldn't add new client record while editing appointment 
  • Couldn't remove information from Address 2 field
  • Incorrect link to scheduler sent to client when password was reset
  • Clients unable to register in scheduler 
  • Custom field data in scheduler was not being passed to TimeTap
  • Couldn't see appointments in calendar from deleted services
  • Clients were able to booking appointments on days time off exceeded more than one day
  • Error appeared when clicking file uploaded
  • Error appeared when attempting to delete class sessions in bulk
  • Invoice history did not the date it was created and the user who created it
  • Selecting "No Preference" in the staff panel while booking an appointment in the scheduler would assign the appointment to a staff member with time off
  • Second page in Open Appointments tab while in the staff profile did not display appointments

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