Added to Waitlist Confirmation

Added to Waitlist Confirmation

This email sends to a client when they have been added to the waitlist for service or class to confirm the dates and times they've been added for. Client can add themselves to the waitlist by themselves through your scheduler or you can add them manually in the backoffice.   To find more information about how the waitlist feature works click here to read the documentation. 

The default criteria that TimeTap provides for this template is:


Subject Line: You have been added to Wait List for %REASON%

Email Body:

You have been added to the Waitlist.


This is to confirm that you have been added to the Wait List for %REASON% for the following dates and times:

  • (List of times selected)

Thank You,


The tags used in this template are:

%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%The email address of the client that is stored in the email field on the client's profile
%CLIENT_FULLNAME%The first name of the client as stored in the first name field on the client's profile
%REASON%The name of the service/class/course that the clients appointment was cancelled for
%BUSINESS_NAME%The name of the business as stored on your account's account settings page

To learn more about tags and how to use/create them, please visit our documentation on tags.

In editing this template, here are some general things to consider:

  • The situation: This template is generated when has been added to the waitlist for either through the scheduler or the backoffice. This template summarizes the times slots selected by the staff or the client, if you add the client to the waitlist through the backoffice you will not have the option to edit the email before sending. It would be idea to let client know that they would be notified via or text message if a time slot they selected becomes available. If a client has contacted you and would like to be notified via text message but did not enter a mobile phone number then you can go to this client's profile and check the box next to "Waitlist text messages" to activate waitlist text notification for this client.
  • Template elements: As with all the appointment templates sent from you account, this email will have the email header and the staff signature in the footer. We recommend putting standard contact information in the staff signature section and to customize your header under your messaging settings to be what you'd like for all of your emails (helps to keep them cohesive).

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