Waitlist New Appointment Times Available

Waitlist New Appointment Times Available

This email sends to a client when a time that they joined the waitlist for frees up and is available for booking. This is an automated, to disable it go to Settings → Waitlist → Auto Invite Waitlist Registrants. If this boxed is checked, TimeTap will automatically email any registrant on your waitlist when appointment times matching what they've requested become available.  To find more information about how the waitlist feature works click here to read the documentation. 

The default criteria that TimeTap provides for this template is:


Subject Line: Appointment times now available for %BUSINESS_NAME%

Email Body:

New Appointment Time Available for %REASON%!


A new appointment time is now available during one of the times you waitlisted for:


Click the button below to claim this appointment:


Hurry! This appointment time may have been offered to other waitlist registrants and may be taken soon. 


No longer wish to receive waitlist appointment notifications? You can opt out here: %WAIT_LIST_REMOVE_URL%


The tags used in this template are:

%CLIENT_EMAILADDRESS%The email address of the client that is stored in the email field on the client's profile
%STAFF_FULLNAME%The full name of the staff member that was assigned to the appointment
%LOCATION_NAME%The name of the location for where the appointment is set to take place
%APPT_DATE_TIME%The date and time of the appointment in the client's timezone
%CLIENT_FULLNAME%The first name of the client as stored in the first name field on the client's profile
%REASON%The name of the service/class/course that the clients appointment was cancelled for
%LOCATION_NAME%The name of the location for where the appointment is set to take place
%BUSINESS_NAME%The name of the business as stored on your account's account settings page
%WAIT_LIST_REMOVE_URL%A link dedicated to allow clients to opt out of the waitlist

To learn more about tags and how to use/create them, please visit our documentation on tags.

In editing this template, here are some general things to consider:

  • The situation: This template is generated when time that they joined the waitlist for frees up and is available for booking. Within this template your clients will also be able to opt out of the waitlist notifications. This email is to all the client who have joined the waitlist for specific time slot and it has become available, keep in mind that only client can claim this time slot and book an appointment. 
  • Template elements: As with all the appointment templates sent from you account, this email will have the email header and the staff signature in the footer. We recommend putting standard contact information in the staff signature section and to customize your header under your messaging settings to be what you'd like for all of your emails (helps to keep them cohesive).